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Simple Javascript collision detection?

I'm trying to make a simple game using jquery,javascript,html and css. I keep getting stuck on collision detection.


var map = [

function DrawMap() {

    for(var i=0; i < map.length; i++){
        for(var j=0; j < map[i].length; j++){
            if(parseInt(map[i][j]) == 0){
            $("#container").append("<div class='air'></div>");
            if(parseInt(map[i][j]) == 1){
            $("#container").append("<div class='block'></div>");
            if(parseInt(map[i][j]) == 2){
            $("#container").append("<div class='spike'></div>");


window.onload=function() {


more code:

var guy=document.getElementById('guy');

var up = 0;
var guyLeft = 0;
var health = 100;

function anim(e){

   up +=10;
   guy.style.top = up + 'px';
   if(up >=400){
     up -=10;


   up -=10;
   guy.style.top = up + 'px';
if(up <=0){
     up +=10;

   guyLeft +=10;
   guy.style.left = guyLeft + 'px';
     if(guyLeft >= 700){
     guyLeft -= 10;

   guyLeft -=10;
   guy.style.left = guyLeft + 'px';
 if(guyLeft <= 0){
     guyLeft += 10;


like image 318
mattheblockboss D Avatar asked Dec 23 '16 17:12

mattheblockboss D

People also ask

How do you perform collision detection?

If both the horizontal and vertical edges overlap we have a collision. We check if the right side of the first object is greater than the left side of the second object and if the second object's right side is greater than the first object's left side; similarly for the vertical axis.

What is JS collision?

In JavaScript, a collision occurs when two or more HTML elements collide. By default, when using a move event listener on an HTML element, it will not hit any other element on the screen. It will pass through the other elements in the DOM.

How do you detect 2D collisions?

The most basic way to approach this type of 2d collision detection is to utilize a concept known as Axis-aligned bounding box. Axis-aligned bounding box, or AABB, detects if two non-rotational polygons are overlapping each other.

1 Answers

Short answer: use document.elementFromPoint(x,y); to detect which element is at the position of the player.

Long answer: Have a look at the code snippet below.

Now, I realize that I changed a whole lot in your code, including unnecessary changes for functionality. My apologies, this is because initially I was just playing around for myself, but now that it's working, it might be useful for somebody.
(Some of the syntax used may be unknown to you, see the bottom of my post for some explanations.)

The collision part is in function checkCollision() and the if-clauses inside $(document).keydown:

  • In the keydown if-clauses checkCollision() is invoked: else {tile = checkCollision(...);.
  • Basically I check if the front of the player (topview) is going to collide at the coming position:
    (for (var i=corner1; i<corner2; ++i) {...}).
    • Based on the colliding tile ('spike' or 'block'), I either generate an alert (console.log), or I return the checkTile to the if-clause that invoked checkCollision().
  • If tile is returned, the tile's position is used to determine the position of the player:

Code snippet:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var step = 10;
  var health = 100;
  var map = [
  //DRAW MAP------------------------------
  (function() {
    var tile = "";
    for (var y=0,county=map.length; y<county; ++y) {
      $("#canvas").append('<div class="tile-row" id="row_'+(y+1)+'"></div>');
      for (var x=0,countx=map[y].length; x<countx; ++x) {
        switch (parseInt(map[y][x])) {
          case 0: tile="air"; break;
          case 1: tile="block"; break;
          case 2: tile="spike"; break;
          default: tile="error";
        $("#row_"+(y+1)).append('<div class="tile '+tile+'"></div>');
  //SET BOUNDARIES------------------------
  var xMin=$("#canvas").offset().left, xMax=xMin+$("#canvas").width()-$("#player").width();
  var yMin=$("#canvas").offset().top, yMax=yMin+$("#canvas").height()-$("#player").height();
  //PLACE PLAYER--------------------------
  //MOVE PLAYER---------------------------
    var player=document.getElementById("player"), tile=null;
    var x=$(player).offset().left, playerLeft=x, playerRight=playerLeft+$(player).width();
    var y=$(player).offset().top, playerTop=y, playerBottom=playerTop+$(player).height();
    function checkCollision(playerCorner1x, playerCorner1y, playerCorner2x, playerCorner2y) {
      var collisionTiles=["block","spike"];
      //check if the front of the player is colliding with the environment
      var front = (playerCorner1x==playerCorner2x?playerCorner1x:playerCorner1y);
      var corner1 = (front==playerCorner1x?playerCorner1y:playerCorner1x);
      var corner2 = (front==playerCorner1x?playerCorner2y:playerCorner2x);
      //check every pixel along the front for collision
      for (var i=corner1; i<corner2; ++i) {
        var checkTile = document.elementFromPoint((front==playerCorner1x?front:i), (front==playerCorner1y?front:i));
        if (collisionTiles.indexOf(checkTile.className.split(" ")[1]) != -1) {
          if ($(checkTile).hasClass("spike")) {console.log("YOU DEAD!");}
          else if ($(checkTile).hasClass("block")) {return checkTile;}
    if(e.which==37 || e.which==65){ //LEFT,A
      x -= step;
      if (x <= xMin) {x = xMin;}
      else {tile = checkCollision(playerLeft-step,playerTop, playerLeft-step,playerBottom);}
    if(e.which==39 || e.which==68){ //RIGHT,D
      x += step;
      if (x >= xMax) {x = xMax;}
      else {tile = checkCollision(playerRight+step,playerTop, playerRight+step,playerBottom);}
    if(e.which==38 || e.which==87){ //UP,W
      y -= step;
      if (y <= yMin) {y = yMin;}
      else {tile = checkCollision(playerLeft,playerTop-step, playerRight,playerTop-step);}
    if(e.which==40 || e.which==83){ //DOWN,S
      y += step;
      if (y >= yMax) {y = yMax;}
      else {tile = checkCollision(playerLeft,playerBottom+step, playerRight,playerBottom+step);}
div {margin:0; padding:0; border-style:none; box-sizing:border-box; overflow:hidden;}

#canvas {display:inline-block;}

.tile-row {width:100%; height:40px;}
.tile {float:left; width:40px; height:100%;}
.tile.air {background-color:skyblue;}
.tile.block {background-color:sienna;}
.tile.spike {background-color:gray;}
.tile.error {background-color:red;}

#player {position:absolute; width:15px; height:15px; background-color:black;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div id="canvas"></div>
<div id="player"></div>
jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Lqw9w06z/11/


  • (function(){...})(); is a IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression), it's a function that is automatically executed.
  • front==playerCorner1x?playerCorner1y:playerCorner1x is called a Conditional (ternary) Operator, it's basically a compact if-clause.
  • The size of the tiles is set in CSS:
    .tile-row {width:100%; height:40px;} and .tile {width:40px; height:100%;}.
    This determines the size of the whole canvas/gameboard.
  • I changed your for-loop so that all the tiles of one row are wrapped in a containing div.


For some reason, collision isn't registered at one specific spot (see below).
If someone can explain to me why this is happening in this one specific spot, I'd be delighted!


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myfunkyside Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10
