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D3 - using strings for axis ticks

I want to crate a bar chart using strings as the labels for the ticks on the x-axis (e.g., Year 1, Year 2, etc instead of 0,1,2, etc).

I started by using the numeric values for the x-axis (e.g., 0,1,2,3, etc) as follows:

1) I generate my ranges:

     x = d3.scale.ordinal()
        .domain(d3.range(svg.chartData[0].length)) //number of columns is a spreadsheet-like system
        .rangeRoundBands([0,width], .1); 

     y = d3.scale.linear()
        .domain(Math.min(d3.min(svg.chartData.extent),0), Math.max(d3.min(svg.chartData.extent),0)]) 
        .range([height, 0])

2) Make the axes:


3) Redraw the axes:

        .call(make_x_axis().orient("bottom").tickSubdivide(1).tickSize(6, 3, 0));

This works well with default numeric axis labels.

If I try to use an array of strings for the x tickValues like this....

        .scale(x).tickValues(svg.pointsNames); //svg.pointsNames = ["Year 1", "year 2", etc.]

... when I redraw the chart (with or without changes to the data/settings), the labels swap like this.

enter image description hereenter image description here

Notice how Col 1 takes the place of Col 0 and vice versa.

Do you know why this happens?

like image 387
Gian Avatar asked Aug 02 '12 06:08


1 Answers


Just sort the svg.pointsNames before you apply them as tickValues. Make sure you sort them in exactly the same way that you sort your data. This way, a one-one mapping is always maintained between your labels and tick values.

Also if I may, check out the tickFormat` function here. This seems a better option to me.

//Tick format example
chart,xAxis.tickFormat(function(d, i){
    return "Year" + d //"Year1 Year2, etc depending on the tick value - 0,1,2,3,4"
like image 58
Jibi Abraham Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09

Jibi Abraham