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New posts in collation

Can I specify the collation when performing a SELECT INTO

tsql collation

SQL Server changed my strings before running the query

COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'binary'?

Emoji is not stored properly in MySQL 5.6 with collation utf8mb4

Can't insert a unicode glyph in mysql

mysql unicode collation

Questions about accent insensitivity in SQL Server (Latin1_General_CI_AS)

Problems with Turkish SQL Collation (Turkish "I")

H2 In memory DB treating ORDER BY differently in MySQL mode

Rails 3: Change charset and collation of an existing mysql database

Collation conflict ERROR ,Set collation for stored procedure as database default

sql sql-server collation

What is the difference between NVarchar, Bin collation, Bin2 collation?

Risk and effects of changing database collation in SQL Server

MySQL LIKE statement inteprets "o" and "ö" as the same

update column collation with laravel

Ignoring diacritics when ordering alphabetically

Error Number: 1267 Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='

mysql utf-8 collation

Weird SQL Server 2005 Collation difference between varchar() and nvarchar()

Java array sort UTF-8

java sorting utf-8 collation

What MySQL collation is best for accepting all unicode characters?

mysql collation

MySQL collation for all languages

mysql collation