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New posts in coding-style

Origin of discouraged perl idioms: &x(...) and sub x($$) { ... }

perl coding-style

Tool that shows unit dependencies for Delphi 2010 or Delphi 7 program

Excel c# convert cell to percentage

c# excel coding-style range

Try/Catch Use Convention(s)

Change default position of "{" in VS2010?

Is "using std::begin;" a good practice?

How to avoid duplicating logic on two similar WinForms?

c# .net coding-style

Should I use string constants or string literals

.net string coding-style

Pimp my Perl code

What's the more elegant way to declare a const in C# [duplicate]

c# coding-style constants

if(null!=variable) why not if(variable!=null)

java coding-style

improve in coding saving how to check if two line segments are crossing in Python

Implicit vs explicit getters/setters in AS3, which to use and why?

What is the best practice for writing sql queries inside c# code [closed]

c# coding-style

Are long variable names a waste of memory?

Are clusters discouraged in LabVIEW?

coding-style labview

What is the best way to print a table with delimiters in Python

python coding-style

How do you structure your comparison functions?

Avoid long lines in Perl scripts

perl coding-style

Should I use returns in multiline Scala methods?

scala coding-style return