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New posts in cocos2d-x

For Eclipse, CCLog doesn't work. CCMessageBox works well

android-logcat cocos2d-x

CCScrollView for cocos2d-x that works?

cross-platform cocos2d-x

Android back button does not work

Cocos2d-x 4.0 app build no longer works after upgrade to macOS Big Sur 11.01 (error: no such file or directory: '/usr/lib/libz.dylib')

c++ macos cmake cocos2d-x

Importance of "this"

java c++ this cocos2d-x

cocos2d-x-3.0 draw vs onDraw

cocos2d-x cocos2d-x-3.0

XCode 6.3.1 crashes while renaming project

ios xcode cocos2d-x

Using retain and release for Objects


Compiling android app using boost, undefined reference to 'mbtowc'

Cocos2D-X Literatue [closed]

android ios mobile cocos2d-x

Can't make call from C++ To Java using JNI

captureScreen in cocos-2d C++ - how to use or save the captured image?

c++ cocos2d-x

Admob Ads app crashes occasionally on IllegalArgumentException

How can I use SimpleaudioEngine's pitch, pan, gain option in cocos2d-x

android cocos2d-x

warning: cannot scan executable section for Cortex-A8 erratum because it has no mapping symbols

Pixel Perfect Collision Detection in Cocos2dx

cocos2d-x game crashes when entered background