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makeKeyAndOrderFront only does the latter

cocoa nswindow

Why does it feel like Interface Builder just gets in my way?

Trouble using custom modal sheet with Cocoa

-[NSCFNumber count]: unrecognized selector

How can I make the NSWindow setFrame: .. animated:YES] function animated down instead of up?

objective-c cocoa nswindow

How to add alive object to NSMutableArray and remove them when they're released?

Writing to "~/Library/Application Support" folder in Mac OS X 10.7


Access modifier visibility in objective c

iphone objective-c cocoa

NSTextField with rounded corners?

Create NSPopUpButton Programmatically

Adding static items to "Windows" menu in Cocoa application

How to make a grid background pattern for NSView?

objective-c cocoa

How to cache or preload SKLabelNode font?

How do I change the main menu in Cocoa?

objective-c macos cocoa nsmenu

Drawing on desktop in Mac OS X [closed]

cocoa desktop

Cocoa/Objective-C - Can i somehow see the implementation files?

objective-c cocoa

Porting WPF to Cocoa (and/or vice-versa)

wpf cocoa porting

How do I draw an NSString at an angle?

cocoa macos nsstring

Detect when removable storage is unmounted

Objective-C release is not called explicitly

iphone objective-c cocoa ios