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How to run a spring application on cloud foundry as a one-off task using the java buildpack

SwaggerUI generates a port number when making the request to the API. Is there any way to stop this behaviour?

Header "Strict-Transport-Security" twice in response with Swisscom CloudFoundry application

Micro CloudFoundry not available anymore?


Neo4j in the cloud [closed]

Delete all apps that match a filter


Insufficient memory in swisscom cloudfoundry springboot app

jdbc-initialize-database can't find script files - DataAccessResourceFailureException

spring cloud-foundry

Add parameters for service in Cloud Foundry manifest


How to deploy a Docker image from a private repository on Cloud Foundry?

cloudfoundry: how to use filesystem

Cloud Foundry Basic Questions


Pivotal Web Services: Flyway Enterprise Edition or MySQL upgrade required

Feign Client communication in predix (Cloud Foundry)

Vagrant guest machine entered an invalid state

Cannot run Cloudfoundry Task - Unexpected Response 404

cloud-foundry swisscomdev

CloudFoundry/Springboot app using Liberty for Java on Bluemix all of a sudden crashes when starting, no changes in code for months

CF Connect to the cloud controller

bluemix xpages performance and architecture

How to change default spring profil ("cloud") in cloud foundry