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Lein uberjar fails on simple '-main' usage, but perhaps I don't understand all it's doing?

clojure leiningen

What's the correct way of providing a default value for *print-length* in profiles.clj?

clojure leiningen

is there a canonical way to grab all idents from a particular datomic namespace?

clojure datomic

Round-tripping a Java class through the Clojure printer and reader

How can I pass edn to clojurescript from clojure without making ajax request (i.e. via hiccup-generated page)

clojure - resolve a symbol inside let

clojure lisp

How to redirect users to a different page if they aren't logged in? (ring/compojure)

clojure compojure ring

Unable to get basic Lightable features working

clojure lighttable

Add new key-value pair to struct-map in clojure


Clojure: where is my entry point?


Partial vs function literal when memoize

clojure memoization

arrow in function name in Clojure


Why am I getting "Unsupported binding form" error when implementing protocol in clojure?

clojure jvm

how to print a really big datastructure in clojure?


Destructuring in JavaScript 1.7

Can you formulate the insertion sort as a monoid in Clojure?

Where did defadt go in new clojure contrib?

Setup and use a cookie-based session in Pedestal

How can I merge within a nested hashmap?


What was the reasoning behind ClojureScript not needing Clojure's defstruct?

clojure clojurescript