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New posts in client-side-validation

Why do we need server side as well as client side validation for Web applications?

MVC2 Client-side validation for a DateTime?

DDD & client-side validation

jQuery.Validation.Unobtrusive client side validation only works when scripts are on view page

How to check if user already exists on client-side in ASP.NET MVC 5?

What can be causing Html.ValidateFor() method to produce a compile error?

Clientside validation using Xforms - MVC application

So is it safe to validate form on client-side only?

ASP.Net Mvc Fixed-Length String Data Annotation

jQuery email validation requirements

Unobtrusive Client side validation in MVC4 not working

Why is client-side validation a security risk as opposed to server-side validation?

Why do we need both client side and server side validation? [closed]

Javascript form-validation framework: Request for Review

Asp.Net MVC EnableClientValidation doesn't work

Rails 4 client side validation

RegularExpressionAttribute - How to make it not case sensitive for client side validation?

.Net Mvc 3 Trigger (other than submit button) Unobtrusive Validation

IValidatableObject in MVC3 - client side validation