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New posts in asp.net-mvc-validation

mvc duplicate user validation error

How to remove required attribute in MVC4, although that has been made required in model

Display ModelState error returned by JsonResult in MVC 3 project?

Localization of Required field validation message based on language selection from application in MVC

Data Validation in MVC

MVC 3 Unobtrusive validation of a list

Returning a list of keys with ModelState errors

ASP.NET MVC 2 RC client side validation not working

partial view coming without validation attributes (ASP.NET MVC 3)

Customize the Error Message for an invalid date in ASP.net MVC

jQuery.Validation.Unobtrusive client side validation only works when scripts are on view page

Validating File Upload - Jquery and "Accept" attribute

Client side validation not working for hidden field in asp.net mvc 3

Remote ViewModel validation of nested objects not working

ASP.NET MVC Validationsummary with excludePropertyErrors = true renders empty if the model is invalid

trying to inherit RegularExpressionAttribute, no longer validates

How to create custom validation attribute for MVC

What does requestValidationMode="2.0" actually do?