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New posts in claims-based-identity

Retrieve Userid from a claims in a cookie in Core MVC

MVC 5 - Add a claim to a user

Claims Based Authentication - SharePoint and generally

Add claims with Owin Middleware

asp.net core identity extract and save external login tokens and add claims to local identity

How to add additional claims in Api Project when using IdentityServer 4

Security, Thread.CurrentPrincipal, and ConfigureAwait(false)

ASP.NET Claim NameIdentifier Id gets convert error

Using ClaimsAuthenticationManager in a console application

Complex Claim Values in .NET Framework with System.Security.Claims

Federated authentication in Sharepoint 2013: getting rtFa and FedAuth cookies

Custom Claims lost on Identity re validation

Authorization Policy With Multiple Claims

Asp.Net Identity - Setting CookieDomain at runtime

How to add multiple policies in action using Authorize attribute using identity 2.0?

POCO's with the new ASP.NET Identity and MVC 5.0 + claims-based Identity

How do I invalidate claims using ASP.NET Identity?

User.Identity fluctuates between ClaimsIdentity and WindowsIdentity

ClaimsPrincipal.Current vs. HttpContext.Current.User?

Redirect loop with .Net MVC Authorize attribute with ADFS Claims