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New posts in cil

How do I debug a .NET executable at MSIL-level?

.net debugging cil

What are the possible OpCodes for the last instruction of a method?

c# .net cil il opcode

How does C# handle calling an interface method on a struct?

c# .net struct interface cil

C# IL code modification - keep stack intact

"Operation could destablize the runtime" and DynamicMethod with value types

c# cil

Why does `OpCode.Value` have the "wrong" endianness?

Using assemblies compiled from IL with .NET Core & Xamarin

Is it possible to indirectly load a value type on the stack

cil reflection.emit

Do I need to write my own unmanaged IL library to rewrite IL with the CLR Profiling API?

CIL unbox_any instruction - strange behavior

Why does Scala compiler for .NET ignore the meaning of val?

c# java scala bytecode cil

Verification error on unsafe c# return type using Peverify and ILVerify

c# cil peverify

Create a catch-all handler for all events and delegates in C#

c# .net events delegates cil

Validating .NET Framework Assemblies

ILDASM and ILASM, how use them?

c# disassembly cil ildasm ilasm

.NET and output file extension


What is the difference between normal and shortform opcodes in CIL?


Why does adding beforefieldinit drasticly improve the execution speed of generic classes?

c# cil reflection.emit il

Is stringbuilder necessary anymore?

c# string clr stringbuilder cil

If events are implemented as delegates in .NET, what is the point of the .event IL section?

c# .net events delegates cil