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Compiler generated incorrect code for anonymous methods [MS BUG FIXED]

C# compiler doesn’t optimize unnecessary casts

What's the point of MethodImplOptions.InternalCall?

.net clr cil framework-design

What's the difference between sizeof(T) and Unsafe.SizeOf<T>()?

c# .net visual-studio cil

Generate tail call opcode

Why is it necessary to call :this() on a struct to use automatic properties in c#?

Profiling a dynamic pinvoke

Call and Callvirt

Differences between MSIL and Java bytecode?

java .net bytecode cil

What's the purpose of the CIL nop opcode?

assembly bytecode cil

What does beforefieldinit flag do?

.net cil

Is there an explanation for inline operators in "k += c += k += c;"?

c# cil compound-assignment

Why is !0 a type in Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)?

c# .net cil

What is the purpose of hidebysig in a MSIL method?


Weird performance increase in simple benchmark

Why does this (null || !TryParse) conditional result in "use of unassigned local variable"?

Dynamically replace the contents of a C# method?

c# methods assemblies cil

Java's Virtual Machine and CLR

Why does the C# compiler translate this != comparison as if it were a > comparison?

What can you do in MSIL that you cannot do in C# or VB.NET? [closed]

c# .net clr cil