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New posts in character

Which command in VBA can count the number of characters in a string variable?

In Java, remove the first char of the string if it is , (comma)

java string character comma

Find last character in a string in PHP

CSS Display One Character in 2 Colors [duplicate]

html css colors character

How to prevent 'read.table' from changing underscores and hyphens to dots?

r character read.table

What characters are available on Android?

Replace individual character element of a string C [duplicate]

c string replace character

handling special characters e.g. accents in R

r character

JSON escape space characters

html json escaping character

Is UTF-8 an encoding or a character set?

Convert a list of lists to a character vector

r string list character sapply

Cut a string after n characters, but if it's in the middle of a word cut the whole word

(zsh brace expansion | seq) for character lists - how?

How to remove specific special characters in R

r regex character gsub

HTML special characters in CSS "content" attribute

css xhtml character

Extract characters that differ between two strings

r string character

How are \r \t and \n different from one another? [duplicate]

php escaping character

What is vertical tab, form feeds and backspace character? How to use them in JavaScript?

javascript character

How to find position or get rect of any word in textview and place buttons over that?

Convert special characters like ë,à,é,ä all to e,a,e,a? Objective C

objective-c sdk character