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New posts in character-properties

How do I match only fully-composed characters in a Unicode string in Perl?

Obtaining unicode characters of a language in Java

Regular expression to match boundary between different Unicode scripts

Python: Split unicode string on word boundaries

How to determine if a character is a Chinese character

Javascript unicode (greek) regular expressions

Efficiently list all characters in a given Unicode category

Regex for names with special characters (Unicode)

Unicode block of a character in python

Matching Unicode letter characters in PCRE/PHP

What is the {L} Unicode category?

Matching (e.g.) a Unicode letter with Java regexps

Match any unicode letter?

Is There a Way to Match Any Unicode Alphabetic Character?

matching unicode characters in python regular expressions

Regex and unicode

Matching only a unicode letter in Python re

Python regex matching Unicode properties

How to match Cyrillic characters with a regular expression

Python and regular expression with Unicode