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New posts in character-properties

Regular expression to allow all alphabet characters plus unicode characters

Match unicode in ply's regexes

Java regex for any symbol?

How to properly write regex for unicode first name in Java?

Spilt String using Unicode delimiter

Match C# Unicode Identifier using Regex

How to mark all CJK text in a document?

List of Unicode alphabetic characters

Matching case sensitive unicode strings with regular expressions in Python

POSIX character equivalents in Java regular expressions

regular expression containing unicode words

Iterating through Unicode codepoints character by character

How do I get a list of all Unicode characters that have a given property?

How to specify Regexp for unicode cyrillic characters in Ruby 1.9

Replace Unicode Control Characters

Matching Unicode Dashes in Java Regular Expressions?

Regular expression to match ASCII and Unicode letters


Latin Characters check

Scanning for Unicode Numbers in a string with \d