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New posts in catransform3d

CATransform3D - go back to previous state

iphone ios catransform3d

How do I use CATransform3D on a UIView to add a specific type of perspective?

How to get CATransform3D from Projection and ModelView matrices?

Autolayout rotating Wheel

CATransform3DRotate rotate for 360 degrees

Rotate X, Y and Z axis all together

How to get the actual size of transformed CALayer?

Why do layer transforms affect a UIView's frame?

Could I get a basic explanation of CATransform3DIdentity?

Core Animation - Page flip

CATransform3D Key Paths with #keyPath

iOS: Simultaneous scale and 3D rotation animation

UITextView after CATransform3D: scrolling all out of whack

Blurry UIView with CATransform3D only on RETINA

Origami transition using CATransform3D perspective

iPhoneSDK calculate Rotation angle from CATransform3D

How to rotate an UIImageView with CATransform3DRotate make an effect like Door Opening?

How to add image with parallax effect above UITableView header and keep header sticky?

Getting the 'scale' from a CATransform3D