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New posts in catransaction

how to loop several CABasicAnimations contained in a CATransaction block?

+[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction when search

Why is my CATransaction not honoring the duration I set?

CoreAnimation confusion: CATransaction vs CATransition vs CAAnimationGroup?

how can I detect the completion of an animation triggered by CATransaction

Disable implicit animation without CATransaction begin&commit

Animate custom CALayer properties inside a CATransaction

CATransaction completion block never fires

ios catransaction

Animations not stopping after view controller is dismissed using tab bar

ios swift catransaction

CABasicAnimation flicker when applying the completion

Can I cancel the CATransaction completionBlock?

Called within transaction When UIsearch Bar clicked and keyboard showed

Xcode: How to set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1?

How to specify selector when CAKeyframeAnimation is finished?

+[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction

ios ipad locking catransaction

CoreAnimation warning deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction