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New posts in categorical-data

Pandas: get_dummies vs categorical

Problems with a binary one-hot (one-of-K) coding in python

Pandas - Handling NaNs in categorical data

How to count the number of categorical features with Pandas?

Rename the less frequent categories by "OTHER" python

Pandas cast all object columns to category

R: creating a categorical variable from a numerical variable and custom/open-ended/single-valued intervals

pandas Categorical error: "Cannot setitem on a Categorical with a new category, set the categories first"

Categorical & Numerical Features - Categorical Target - Scikit Learn - Python

Julia: Visualization of a categorical data on a grid

How to generate pandas DataFrame column of Categorical from string column?

pandas categorical-data

How to transform a categorical variable in Spark into a set of columns coded as {0,1}?

GBM multinomial distribution, how to use predict() to get predicted class?

Matplotlib: how to plot a line with categorical data on the x-axis?

How to use a dict to subset a DataFrame?

Pandas dataframe encode Categorical variable with thousands of unique values

Crosstab with multiple items

r crosstab categorical-data

Appending pandas DataFrame with MultiIndex with data containing new labels, but preserving the integer positions of the old MultiIndex

Creating categorical variables from mutually exclusive dummy variables

Getting ValueError: y contains new labels when using scikit learn's LabelEncoder