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New posts in categorical-data

data.table::fread's stringsAsFactors=TRUE argument doesn't convert character columns to factor type - what's the workaround?

Keep a column with a categorical variable in Pandas with groupby and mean()

Specifying the order of encoding in Ordinal Encoder

TypeError: cannot append a non-category item to a CategoricalIndex

Cannot import category_encoders module

pandas cut(): how to convert nans? Or to convert the output to non-categorical?

How to use formula in R to exclude main effect but retain interaction

Transform multiple categorical columns

Working of labelEncoder in sklearn

How do I run the Spark decision tree with a categorical feature set using Scala?

How to plot parallel coordinates with multiple categorical variables in R

Can sklearn DecisionTreeClassifier truly work with categorical data?

removing redundant columns when using get_dummies

Legend of a raster map with categorical data

Pandas DataFrame sort by categorical column but by specific class ordering

In gbm multinomial dist, how to use predict to get categorical output? [duplicate]

Weird behaviour with groupby on ordered categorical columns

Linear model (lm) when dependent variable is a factor/categorical variable?

r lm categorical-data r-factor

Interpretation of ordered and non-ordered factors, vs. numerical predictors in model summary

Python pandas: merge loses categorical columns