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Rails3, Cucumber, Capybara, File upload => bad content body (EOFError)?

session object in rspec integration test

How do I drag and drop using poltergeist?

Can I use Selenium IDE to generate Cucumber/Capybara steps?

Running parallel selenium tests with capybara

How to write cucumber for rails (Best practice). Feature and Steps

Using Capybara and Selenium to hover over an element

selenium cucumber capybara

Does Capybara require sleep to work?

Capybara:Webkit unable to find iframe or its content

How to open a browser in Capybara and Selenium

Where can I find Rspec + Capybara 'Getting Started' guides?

How do I extract the Selenium Element from a Capybara Element?

How to wait till an element appears after an AJAX call using capybara-webkit?

capybara capybara-webkit

Inconsistency between if + else and if -> unless

Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find css "a"

Capybara and contenteditable

capybara contenteditable

Testing Sessions in Rails 3 with Rspec & Capybara

How can I run headless browser system tests in Rails 5.1?

Upgrading capybara from 1.0.1 to 1.1.4 makes database_cleaner break my specs