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uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options (NameError)

Cucumber + Capybara tests to ensure a new window is opened

Testing HTML 5 form validations when using simple_form Rails

Dockerized selenium browser cannot access Capybara test url

Capybara error: Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError: element not visible

How do I use Capybara to test that a form element is disabled when using jQuery's prop method?

Starting a new capybara session for every test

rspec capybara

Rspec and capybara selected value

Running Cucumber tests on different environments

ruby testing cucumber capybara

Cucumber Capybara find checkbox by other than id, name, or label

Undefined method 'patch' for #<Rspec::Core - Rails Tutorial Chapter 9

Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError) after dismissing the alert

run rspec tests from specific folder using rake

rspec rake capybara

Capybara integration with page-objects gem

Poltergeist Stripe checkout.js

how to force a cucumber scenario to fail?

ruby cucumber capybara

@javascript cucumber tests pass using selenium driver but fail when using poltergiest

TDD with Capybara (Rails); difference between page.should and expect(page).to?

Capybara and Select2 Version 4

Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find visible field