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Finding a specific row in a table using capybara

I have a users table that list out the users' ID, name, email and username. What I am attempting to do is verify that a specific entry is in that table.

So essentially what I would like to do is find the row that has ID = 22, then verify that name = John Smith, email = [email protected] and username = jsmith. The able is setup as show below. What I don't understand is a couple of things...

  1. How do I get a row with specific text, I.E. that as user.id = 22.
  2. Once I have that row, how do I use it get each of the elements.

I thought I could do a sort of for loop but can't figure out how to set the has_selector? condition. (below is pseudocode)

page.all('tr').each do |tr|
  next unless tr.has_selector?('td.id = 22') #psuedocode

  expect(tr.get('td.name').to eq("John Smith")
  #other expects here...

Table code

<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
    <% @users.each do |user| %>
        <td class="id"><%= user.id %></td>
        <td class="name"><%= link_to user.name, user %></td>
        <td class="email"><%= user.base_name %></td>
        <td class="username"><%= user.username %></td>
    <% end %>
like image 540
Zack Avatar asked Sep 13 '16 21:09


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1 Answers

A nice clean approach would be to add a "data-user-id" attribute to each tr element and then find the row you want with tr = find('tr[data-user-id="22"]'), but if that's not an option there are a number of ways to do this. Either of

td = page.find(:css, 'td.id', text: /^22$/) # find the id td with text of exactly 22
tr = td.find(:xpath, './parent::tr') # get the parent tr of the td
expect(tr).to have_css('td.name', text: 'John Smith')

or finding the row using just an xpath like

tr = page.find(:xpath, ".//tr[./td[@class='id'][text()='22']]")
expect(tr).to have_css('td.name', text: 'John Smith')

should do what you want. If you want to stick with the looping approach (not recommended because it will be slow - and the way your loop is structured it could just not verify anything) it would be

page.all('tr').each do |tr|
  next unless tr.has_css?('td.id', text: /^22$/)
  expect(tr).to have_css('td.name', text: "John Smith")
  #other expects here...
like image 93
Thomas Walpole Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10

Thomas Walpole