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Rails3: How do I visit a subdomain in a steak(rspec) spec using Capybara

Looking for Examples of Rails 3 Integration/Acceptance tests with RSpec [closed]

Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find xpath "/html"

how to click on a table row using capybara & rspec

Rspec testing for iframe content

Why is RSpec/Capybara not showing where errors occured

Opening a new tab in Capybara / Poltergeist

Capybara increase max allowed page load time

Capybara Selenium Chrome opens About Google Chrome

Cucumber: find the input with label text X?

Capybara is not waiting for ajax to finish

Capybara match element id with regex

Set custom user agent on rails testing

ActionCable not connecting during capybara-webkit feature spec

How to display JS errors in Capybara + ChromeDriver?

Rails Integration Testing

NotImplementedError when switching to Poltergeist

Stub browser time and time zone with Capybara

Capybara + RSpec only sees blank pages in controller specs. Why?

Getting blank page when running RSpec tests for get 'new'

rspec capybara