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New posts in cancel-button

Passing argument into backgroundWorker (for use as a Cancel button)

C# CancelButton closes dialog?

Cancel AsyncTask when user presses back button

UIAlertView without Cancel Button?

Cancel the update in inline kendo grid delete the row

JavaFX - how to know if cancel was pressed

How to implement the cancel button for edit functionality in angularjs

how to bypass required field validation when clicking the cancel button?

How to create a Cancel button in Bootstrap

iOS - Customizing Cancel button of UISearchBar

ios UIActionSheet cancel button doesn't work right

MFMailComposeViewController's Cancel Button (action sheet possibly) freezes the view

Cancel button in form

How to implement a Stop/Cancel button?

Cancel Button in UISearchController

UIAlertView: Where the cancel button should be?

UISearchBar disable auto disable of cancel button

How to enable cancel button with UISearchBar?