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C# - shorten function calls

JavaScript call() and Prototype - Slice Function

javascript call slice apply

Call laravel model dynamically [duplicate]

JavaScript Call and Apply in internet explorer 8 (and 7) for window.print

subprocess.call() arguments ignored when using shell=True w/ list [duplicate]

Magic Methods php, __call __get and __set?

php get set call magic-methods

Escape PIPE character in a function call windows Batch script

How to distinguish whether onDestroy will be called after onPause

Call method on activity load, Android [closed]

android methods call

How to write an absolute target for a near direct relative call/jmp in MASM

Load a C++ DLL into matlab which calls functions in another DLL

c++ dll call

Why can't I use Call infront of DoEvents?

excel vba call doevents

Pass the pipe character from a DOS batch script in a CALL statement

batch-file dos call pipe

Is it possible to verify arbitrary interaction using Mockito in a compact way?

methods mocking call mockito

How to catch any method called on an object in python?

python oop object methods call