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cakephp: how to set multiple validation in model for different actions?

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CakePHP: Bind Model not working


CakePHP 1.3 alternative to SoftDeletable Behavior?

How do I use beforeValidate() in CakePHP?

Mercurial, stop versioning cache directory but keep directory

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CakePHP - Html->link - why use controller=> and action=> instead of just controller/action

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How do I test whether running from CakePHP Console?

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CakePHP - Column aliases in SQL queries

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Add up value using database field value with savefield in cakephp

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Truncate html text while taking in consideration "full stops" (in CachePHP TextHelper->truncate)

Printing an encoded string

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CakePHP ACL: Is a base group/ARO required

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cakephp-2.0 simplest ajax link with jshelper

Forcing the browser to reload css when it has been updated

Testing redirections CakePHP 2.0

CakePHP 500 Internal Server Error on Dreamhost

CakePHP: Drop down list (foreign key)

Cakephp + enum support : unable to save or select enum 0 and 1

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Connecting Android Application With CakePhp website