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Sitecore 7 Search Index Issue

Manage many repetitive, CPU intensive tasks, running parallelly?

c# performance task delay

Regular Expression oddity, why does this happen?

c# regex

Find if request is child action request before controller context is available

Load different version of assembly into separate AppDomain

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MVVM - How to keep formatted properties up-to-date?

Is log4net.Appender.AsyncAppender class removed since the 1.2.11 release?

c# .net logging log4net

Benefits from returning a "Task<int>" instead of an "int" in a WCF or WebAPI method (IIS)

Bouncy Castle ECDSA Create Public Key from Private Key

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FileHelpers: mixing Delimited and Fixed Length Records

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web browser control + authentication

Take 1 inside GroupBy in Linq [duplicate]

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MVC 5 Code First scaffolding with simple relationship

[System.DateTime])' has no supported translation to SQL

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DataTable sorting with Datacolumn Name with comma

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EF6 does not lazy load navigation property

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Context is null in SignalR hub

How to use a serial field with Postgresql with Entity Framework Code First

F# or C# based Excel add-in on OSX

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Why no designer.cs for ASP.NET Website?

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