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How to return multiple values in a method in C#.... Is it possible? [duplicate]

ASP.NET C# Active Directory - See how long before a user's password expires

C# subclass while maintaining name. Deep voodoo?

c# .net c#-3.0

Linq-to-SQL Design question!

Printing in (Parallel Port) Dot Matrix over C#

Cannot we use break statement in a lambda(C#3.0)


C# Hide() on startup, without ShowInTaskbar to false

.net c#-3.0 hide startup hotkeys

Optimized JSON serialiser / deserialiser as an extension method?

C# simple app create enormous number in page faults. Why?

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How to remove unused Clicked event from C# project


Getting "This method or property cannot be called on Null values" error

LINQ lambda expression append OR statement

c# linq c#-3.0

What is the purpose of private parameterless constructor in C#


About PropertyStore and MDI child form

C#: How to set default values of properties [duplicate]

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list.Sort ArgumentException error: IComparer doesn't not return 0(null)

c# c#-3.0

What's a clean way to break up a DataTable into chunks of a fixed size with Linq?

c# linq c#-3.0 ienumerable

Nested use of C# Object Initializers

c# c#-3.0

How to make a C# 'grep' more Functional using LINQ?

Why am I getting a serialization error?