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New posts in bytestring

Is there a parametric version of lazy `ByteString`?

haskell bytestring

How to parse a 7GB file, with Data.ByteString?

Haskell: Does ghci show "Chunk .. Empty"?

haskell bytestring

Partial decoding of ByteStrings to Text

haskell text decode bytestring

Is it possible to use Text or ByteString on HXT in Haskell?

Idiomatic way to take a substring of a ByteString

haskell bytestring

Store UTF-8 encoding of a String in a ByteString

haskell utf-8 bytestring

What makes ByteString IO so fast?

bytestring haskell

Why does this not run in constant memory?

Is there an append operator for ByteString?

Making a single function work on lists, ByteStrings and Texts (and perhaps other similar representations)

Segfault reading lazy bytestring past 2^18 bytes

Efficiently turn a ByteString into a hex representation

haskell bytestring

What is the best way to convert a ByteString to an Int?

haskell bytestring

Pretty print ByteString to hex nibble-wise

Haskell How to Create a Word8?

string haskell bytestring

Efficient bitstreams in Haskell

Purity of functions generating ByteString (or any object with ForeignPtr component)

haskell bytestring

Many types of String (ByteString)

haskell bytestring

How to convert a Integer to a ByteString in Haskell

haskell bytestring