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New posts in bundling-and-minification

Can I combine two bundles together in a specific order, like concatenate both bundles and produce one bundle for them?

Prepend CDN url to mvc 4 bundler output

UglifyJS 'use strict' statements

mvc bundling and relative css image when website is deployed to an application

Cache busting with Scripts.Render but without bundle URL

Style bundles in .NET 4.5 and icons in CSS

How do I add type="text/javascript" to a script tag when using System.Web.Optimization

ASP.Net MVC 5 sub-directory bundling issues

Is there a way to update asp.net mvc bundle contents dynamically at run-time?

MVC CDN fallback for Style Bundle

Nested bundles in ASP.NET MVC

Is it possible to bundle scripts and styles per page

How to set up gulp to bundle several files into one?

MVC4 partial view javascript bundling Issue

ASP.NET MVC4 Bundle a single file

@Scripts.Render not working

Error after Minification of angular js. Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: eProvider <- e <- makeErrorsDirective

Can I bundle App_Themes css files with Microsoft.Web.Optimization?

Cacheable SSL page found, Bundling and Minification

ASP.Net MVC Script Bundle results in 404