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New posts in build-automation

Specifying target platform with CruiseControl.NET

Gated Checkins in TFS2010

How can I deploy a new web application to a subdirectory of an IIS site and not have to click "Convert To Application"?

Failed automated Android UI-Tests on Jenkins-Server due to complex lib-project dependencies of the main project(s)

Mutually Exclusive Team City Build Triggers Both Firing

Cross-platform Hosted Continuous Integration

Automate OSX Mac App Store builds

macos build-automation

Jenkins "run only if build succeeds" still runs for unsuccessful builds

How can I use Jenkins to run my integration tests in parallel?

How to build a Lotus Domino Database using SVN and Ant, Maven or Gradle

How to use expresser for python on windows

How to integrate PreMake/CMake in a C++ build workflow

How to use master pom file to checkout all modules of a web application and build all modules

Using TeamCity with MSBuild and Build Parameters (not beeing used)

Does anyone know the CVS command line options to get the details of the last check in?

Why am I getting "could not find com.android.tools.build:gradle" error?

Where should unit tests live?

Cruise Control .Net vs Team Foundation Build [closed]

How do I remove app from iOS 8 Simulator from command line?