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New posts in boost-test

Boost::Test : Compiling and running a "hello world" program

boost test - 'undefined reference' errors

BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW how to get exception message printed

c++ unit-testing boost-test

Using boost test with Visual Studio

Boost test does not init_unit_test_suite

c++ testing boost boost-test

Visual Studio and Boost::Test

c++ visual-c++ boost-test

In Boost.Test, how to obtain the name of current test?

boost boost-test

Is there a way to run C++ Unit Tests tests in parallel?

Where to find the parsed Boost.Test output in Eclipse

Boost.Test tests on a static library

How to tell Boost.Test to stop on first failing test case?

Can I check my program's output with boost test?

boost.test vs. CppUnit

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How can I use Boost.Test in a CMake based project?

c++ boost cmake boost-test

Execute one test case several times with different fixture each time

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Boost test linking

How do you specify that an exception should be expected using Boost.Test?

Unit testing non-exported classes in a DLL

CMake: Project structure with unit tests

Comparison of C++ unit test frameworks [closed]