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New posts in boost-fusion

Wrapping a Boost.Fusion Sequence

c++ boost-fusion

Does D std lib include something like boost.fusion and boost.mpl?

Generating Spirit parser expressions from a variadic list of alternative parser expressions

Is it possible to generate a fusion map from an adapted struct?

c++ boost-fusion

How can I make std::find_if and std::map work together using some boost library?

How to fill boost::fusion::vector at runtime?

c++ boost boost-fusion

Adapt class containing a string member as synthesized attribute

Boost.MPL and type list generation

Boost Fusion Types offsetof

Accessing members in a C++ struct both dynamically and statically

c++ boost boost-fusion

How to iterate over boost::fusion associative struct and access in a generic way the keys

c++ boost boost-fusion

Flatten a sequence of sequences (of sequences)

c++ boost boost-fusion


How to find an element in a boost::fusion::vector at runtime?

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT doesn't take the right number of arguments

C++ iterate into nested struct field with boost fusion adapt_struct

Boost::Spirit::Qi. How to turn inlined parser expressions into standalone grammars, and how to unpack the tuples generated by them?

Spirit Qi attribute propagation issue with single-member struct

Haskell equivalent of Boost.Fusion

haskell boost-fusion