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New posts in boolean

True=False assignment in Python 2.x [duplicate]

expression can be simplified on boolean literal [duplicate]

In Perl, checking a json decoded boolean value

perl json boolean

Create a function with four parameters

How to prevent specialization of std::vector<bool>

Combining boolean Observables

c# boolean system.reactive

Is it possible for a mysql query to return true/false instead of values?

mysql boolean

Why do 'and' & 'or' return operands in Python?

python boolean operands

Return "True" on Empty jQuery Selector Array?

Bitarray VS bool[]

c# boolean bitarray

Java Boolean.valueOf() equivalent in Kotlin?

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Declaring extern NSString causes linker error

objective-c ios xcode boolean

Rails database boolean values

Jenkins boolean parameter is always true in groovy

groovy jenkins boolean

Beginner question: returning a boolean value from a function in Python

python function boolean

return a boolean - jdbcTemplate

boolean return jdbctemplate

Radio Buttons ng-checked with ng-model

Parse to Boolean or check String Value

c# boolean

how to print out bool in objective c

C# How to use get, set and use enums in a class

c# class enums int boolean