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New posts in binary

binary format, bitwise operations exist? eg. <<16#7F, 16#FF>> bsl 1

binary erlang xor

Hadoop Streaming: Mapper 'wrapping' a binary executable

How to convert a linux executable file (binary) to windows exe file?

linux windows binary

How to convert BitSet to binary string effectively?

java string binary bits bitset

Convert any file into a binary file and vice versa

file binary binaryfiles

Uploading a binary string in WebKit/Chrome using XHR (equivalent to Firefox's sendAsBinary)

Python: How do I convert from binary to base 64 and back?

python binary base64

Change attribute type when parsing binary with boost::spirit

android aapt dump resources no output

Is there any way to see a number in it's 64 bit float IEEE754 representation

javascript binary ieee-754

Create DES key from 56 bit binary string

java binary jca

Binary Multiplication: how many bits is a product

binary multiplication bits

How do you programmatically change the WCF message encoding for NetTcp?

wcf encoding binary net-tcp

How to convert a hexadecimal string to a binary string in C

c binary hex

How to put png binary data into an img tag and display it as an image?

html ajax image binary

Which is the intended bit (not byte) order in internet RFC packet diagrams

Self validating binaries?

security binary

Java or C++ equivalents to Preon?

java c++ binary preon

Is there a clever way to "double up" bits in an integer?

c++ math binary

How to POST binary data in request using request library? [duplicate]