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New posts in binary

Any idea to optimise this algorithm?

Designing a BitStream in C#

c# binary byte bits

RESTful design - how to model entity's attachments

How can I return binary image data from an abortable AJAX request and set the result to the src of an HTML/DOM image?

ajax image binary response src

Reading and writing binary file in Java (seeing half of the file being corrupted)

java android file binary

Sending binary data

c sockets binary

PHP Efficient way to Convert String of Binary into Binary

How can I avoid stack overflow or segmentation fault in Coq nats?

binary nat bignum coq

64-bit fixed-point multiplication error

c# math binary fixed-point

Count the number of occurences of binary data

linux binary grep

How to run a ghc compiled binary on other machines?

Convert 2D binary matrix to black/white image in java

java image matrix binary

How to extract dyadic fraction from float

Why isn't this string to binary conversion working?

mysql sql string binary

Haskell Stack build specific executable

How does ftell affect a binary file being read in mode 'r' instead of 'rb'?

c file binary cs50

Partition N where the count of parts and each part are a power of 2, and part size and count are restricted

Can scala's parser combinators parse binary files?

parsing scala binary

Ruby: Binary String to IO

ruby mongodb binary mongoid bson

"Bitwise Not" in Python disconsidering 2's complement