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New posts in bigquery-standard-sql

How to do group by on repeated field in BigQuery

Is there a shorter way to extract hour from timestamp stored as integer than EXTRACT(HOUR FROM TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(visitStartTime))?

Extracting date from timestamp in Bigquery: a preferable method

How to count frequency of elements in a bigquery array field

How to decode BASE64 in Standard SQL?

BigQuery: Deleting Duplicates in Partitioned Table

How to convert visit start time to a readable human date or timestamp in Big Query?

Create column for the quantile number of a value in BigQuery

Query Failed Error: Resources exceeded during query execution: The query could not be executed in the allotted memory

BigQuery - Illegal Escape Sequence

Convert DATE to TIMESTAMP on BigQuery/StandardSQL

How to convert an Epoch timestamp to a Date in Standard SQL

Google BigQuery: prefix for all columns of joined table with duplicated names

LEFT JOIN with an OR in the ON clause BigQuery Standard SQL

Computing Percentiles In BigQuery


Update with join with BigQuery

BigQuery - Datetime vs Timestamp