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Google BigQuery: prefix for all columns of joined table with duplicated names

On Google BigQuery (using #standardSQL), when there is a Join between 2 tables, I need to apply a fixed prefix to all the columns of each table.

Here is the scenario, I have a structure like this:

WITH user AS (
  SELECT "john" as name, "smith" as surname, 1 as parent
  SELECT "maggie" as name, "smith" as surname, 2 as parent

parent AS (
  SELECT 1 as id, "john" as name, "doe" as surname
  SELECT 2 as id, "jane" as name, "smith" as surname

User table

| Row |  name  | surname | parent |
|   1 | john   | smith   |      1 |
|   2 | maggie | smith   |      2 |

Parent table

| Row | id | name | surname |
|   1 |  1 | john | doe     |
|   2 |  2 | jane | smith   |

A query like this

SELECT u.*, p.* FROM user u JOIN parent p ON u.parent = p.id

produces the following error

Error: Duplicate column names in the result are not supported. Found duplicate(s): name, surname

I want to avoid performing a custom aliasing of the table like this

  u.name as user_name,
  u.surname as user_surname,
  p.name as parent_name,
  p.surname as parent_surname
FROM user u JOIN parent p ON u.parent = p.id

| Row | user_name | user_surname | parent_name | parent_surname |
|   1 | john      | smith        | john        | doe            |
|   2 | maggie    | smith        | jane        | smith          |

If the table will change on fields, I'll need every time to edit the statement (or the statements) in order to apply the new fields with the given prefix. So this approach using fixed column names is not a suitable way

Is there a way, a query operator, in order to obtain the table as mentioned up there, automatic applying a prefix? Something like:

SELECT u.* AS user_*, p.* AS parent_*
FROM user u JOIN parent p ON u.parent = p.id
like image 857
Deviling Master Avatar asked Nov 24 '17 07:11

Deviling Master

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The metadata returned is for tables in mydataset in your default project. To run the query against a project other than your default project, add the project ID to the dataset in the following format: ` project_id `. dataset . INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

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Cross joins (Cartesian product) Cross joins are queries where each row from the first table is joined to every row in the second table (there are non-unique keys on both sides). The worst case output is the number of rows in the left table multiplied by the number of rows in the right table.

Are column names case sensitive in BigQuery?

Google BigQuery is not case sensitive, so all names default to lowercase.

WHAT IS WITH clause in BigQuery?

The WITH clause contains one or more common table expressions (CTEs). Each CTE binds the results of a subquery to a table name, which can be used elsewhere in the same query expression. BigQuery does not materialize the results of non-recursive CTEs within the WITH clause.

1 Answers

The only option I can think of so far is as below

WITH user AS (
  SELECT "john" AS name, "smith" AS surname, 1 AS parent UNION ALL
  SELECT "maggie" AS name, "smith" AS surname, 2 AS parent
), parent AS (
  SELECT 1 AS id, "john" AS name, "doe" AS surname UNION ALL
  SELECT 2 AS id, "jane" AS name, "smith" AS surname   
SELECT user, parent  
FROM user  
JOIN parent 
ON user.parent = parent.id  

with result as

Row user.name   user.surname    user.parent parent.id   parent.name parent.surname   
1   john        smith           1           1           john        doe  
2   maggie      smith           2           2           jane        smith   

It is not exactly what you expect, but the closest to it, as it wraps each row from respective joined tables into respective STRUCTs - for example:

"user": {"name": "john", "surname": "smith","parent": "1"},
"parent": {"id": "1","name": "john","surname": "doe"}
like image 107
Mikhail Berlyant Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 11:09

Mikhail Berlyant