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SQL Server 2008: Joining results of STORED PROCEDURE (dynamic columns) with results of a SELECT statement

I have results that are generated by this stored procedure.

I want to join these results with data in another table. I've seen various examples of doing this be creating a temporary table and inserting into it, however, this would not be ideal as the stored procedure returns many dynamic columns which are subject to change. Is there a way to join them dynamically?

Example scenario:

Stored Procedure Returns This:

EXEC uspGetProductCategories

products_id | products_model | Leather Seats | Heated Seats | Tapedeck | Heater | Hybrid | Sunroof | Cruise Control
100         | Saturn Vue     | N             | N            | Y        | N      | N      | N       | N
200         | Toyota Pruis   | Y             | N            | N        | Y      | Y      | N       | N
300         | Ford Focus     | N             | N            | N        | Y      | N      | N       | Y

I want to JOIN it with a SQL query that generates something like:

SELECT * FROM Products_Detail

products_id | manufacturer | purchaser | pay_type
100         | GM           | GREG      | P
200         | TOYT         | SAM       | P
300         | FORD         | GREG      | L

In other words...

Is there a painless way to accomplish this? Here is some psedo code of what I'd like to achieve (though I'm aware that this doesn't work):

SELECT pd.*, sp.* FROM Products_Detail pd
    LEFT JOIN uspGetProductCategories sp ON pd.product_id = sp.product_id

Again, I know you can't do this, but hopefully it describes the logic I'm looking for.

Example Desired Output

products_id | manufacturer | purchaser | pay_type | products_model | Leather Seats | Heated Seats | Tapedeck | Heater | Hybrid | Sunroof | Cruise Control
100         | GM           | GREG      | P        | Saturn Vue     | N             | N            | Y        | N      | N      | N       | N
200         | TOYT         | SAM       | P        | Toyota Pruis   | Y             | N            | N        | Y      | Y      | N       | N
300         | FORD         | GREG      | L        | Ford Focus     | N             | N            | N        | Y      | N      | N       | Y
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hendridm Avatar asked Feb 25 '13 22:02


People also ask

Can I use a stored procedure in a select statement?

We can not directly use stored procedures in a SELECT statement.

How can I get result from another stored procedure in SQL Server?

In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), expand Programmability > Stored Procedures, right click a stored procedure and select Execute Stored Procedure. In the execute procedure page, enter the parameter @CustID value as 10 and click OK. It returns the following T-SQL statement with a variable @return_value.

1 Answers

If you cannot create a temp table with the data from the dynamic stored procedure, why not just join on the table directly:

    @colsNull AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(categories_name) 
                    from Categories
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

select @colsNull = STUFF((SELECT ',IsNull(' + QUOTENAME(categories_name)+', ''N'')'+' as '+QUOTENAME(categories_name) 
                    from Categories
                    group by categories_name, categories_id
                    order by categories_id
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = '
            select *
            from Products_Detail pd
            left join
              SELECT products_id,
                    products_model,' + @colsNull + ' from 
                  select p.products_id,
                    ''Y'' flag
                  from products p
                  left join Products_Categories pc
                    on p.products_id = pc.products_id
                  left join Categories c
                    on pc.categories_id = c.categories_id
              ) x
                  for categories_name in (' + @cols + ')
              ) p 
            ) p 
              on pd.products_id = p.products_id'


See SQL Fiddle with Demo

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Taryn Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09
