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How to convert visit start time to a readable human date or timestamp in Big Query?

I'm trying to convert the visit start time variable which is captured in big query to a readable date or preferably timestamp.

I'm using standard SQL.

I've tried using sec_to_timestamp but I believe this only works in legacy SQL within BQ.

The google documentation talks about converting to timestamp from date expression and string expression however the visit start time is an integer.


I've looked at the following link and tried the code in this but I get the error "function not found: integer"

Big Query - Google Analytics - Time diff between first visit and purchase

Any other advice on dates/times captured by BQ would be greatly received.

Thank you

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Thomas Chamberlain Avatar asked Feb 28 '17 17:02

Thomas Chamberlain

People also ask

What is the difference between DateTime and timestamp in BigQuery?

Datetime type: comprises both calendar date and time. It does not store time zone information: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (e.g. ). Timestamp type: comprises date, time, and time zone information.

What is the timestamp format in BigQuery?

The format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (e.g. 2021-05-15 16:45:23). Timestamp type: Date, time, and time zone information are all included in timestamps. If no time zone is given, the format falls back to UTC.

1 Answers

Assuming that your start time is in seconds relative to the Unix epoch, you can use TIMESTAMP_SECONDS to convert it to a timestamp. For example:

  TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(start_time_sec) AS timestamp
  SELECT 1488303123 AS start_time_sec

If you want to convert the timestamp to a date, you can use EXTRACT with an optional timezone:

          AT TIME ZONE 'America/Los_Angeles') AS date
  SELECT 1488303123 AS start_time_sec
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Elliott Brossard Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09

Elliott Brossard