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SQL-Server CONCAT case

I have the following exercise:

concatenate first, middle, last name and name suffix to form the customer’s name in the following format: FirstName [MiddleName.] LastName[, Suffix]. Note that NULL values should be omitted.

I interpret this as the following scenario (created the table from the image and inserted some values):

Please find my sample data below, name is #TB_Customer enter image description here The column CustomerName is the expected result and should be of form

  • FirstName MiddleName.LastName, Suffix if i have enteries for all the fields.
  • MiddleName and Suffix can be optional, so the cases are:

  • If there is a suffix but not a MiddleName then CustomerName
    should be of form Firstname LastName,Suffix

  • If there is a MiddleName but not a suffix then CustomerName
    should be of form FirstName MiddleName.LastName

  • If both MiddleName and Suffix are null then CustomerName should be of form FirstName LastName)

This is what i'm getting: enter image description here

But as you can see the CustomerName case query I wrote doesn't work as expected (please see the cases above with bullets)

The query I wrote to get the CustomerName column is:

when (MiddleName is not null and Suffix is not null)  then
CONCAT(c.FIRSTNAME,' ', c.MiddleName,'.', c.LASTNAME, ', ',Suffix)  
when (MiddleName is null and suffix is null) then 
when (MiddleName is null and Suffix is not null )then
concat (c.FirstName, ' ', c.LastName, ', ',Suffix )  
when (Suffix is null and MiddleName is not null) then
concat (c.FirstName, ' ',MiddleName,'.',LastName)
)AS CustomerName
FROM   #TB_Customer c;

I have 2 questions:

  • Did I understand the exercise and do i have a good logic?
  • Where have I made a mistake and what's the correct query?

Using SQL-Server 2012


to recreate my scenario please see the code below (sorry for not linking a fiddle but the website is not responding at my current location)

CustomerID int , --PK
Title varchar(50),
FirstName varchar(50),
MiddleName varchar(50),
LastName varchar(50),
Suffix varchar(50),
EmailAddress varchar(50),
Phone varchar(50),
Gender varchar(50),
Birthdate varchar(50),
--no fk

insert into #TB_Customer values
('1','Sir','John','Jacob','Adams','St','[email protected]','0677731235','M','1989-04-06'),
('2','Mr.','Russel','Thyrone','Peterson','pr','[email protected]','555-010405','M','1963-02-01'),
('3','Ms.','Anne','Candice','Acola','aca','[email protected]','07408989989','F','1988-05-19'),
('4','Mrs.','Sophia','Veronika','Turner','tvs','[email protected]','0423423887','F','1983-06-20'),
('5','Ms','Margaret','','Delafleur','','[email protected]','233223355','Female','1982-02-25'),
('6','Mrs','Jessica','Luana','Cruz','','[email protected]','787876631','Female','1922-05-05'),
('7','Mr','Dyrius','','Cruz','dc','[email protected]','0673332211','Male','1987-03-01')

update #TB_Customer
set Gender = 'Male' where Gender = 'M'
update #TB_Customer
set Gender = 'Female' where Gender = 'F'
like image 430
CM2K Avatar asked Nov 17 '15 15:11


People also ask

Can concat be used in SQL?

CONCAT function in SQL is one of the most useful members of these functions. CONCAT function is a SQL string function that provides to concatenate two or more than two character expressions into a single string.

How do I concatenate 3 columns in SQL?

To concatenate more than 2 fields with SQL, you can use CONCAT() or CONCAT_WS() function.

1 Answers

Something like this should work as well...

SELECT concat(firstname
     ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(middlename,'') <> '' THEN ' '+middlename+'.'
        WHEN ISNULL(middlename,'') <> '' AND ISNULL(suffix,'') = '' THEN '.' 
        ELSE ' ' END
     ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(suffix,'') <> '' THEN ', '+suffix END)
FROM #TB_Customer


John Jacob.Adams, St
Russel Thyrone.Peterson, pr
Anne Candice.Acola, aca
Sophia Veronika.Turner, tvs
Margaret Delafleur
Jessica Luana.Cruz
Dyrius Cruz, dc
John Adams, St
like image 142
Doolius Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09
