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How to create a temporary / dynamic / virtual table when a SQL runs in Oracle?

I have some data that has to be measured which are not in any table. I can not insert it to a table nor I can create any table and insert these data. So I used dual like the following to get that table. I used this to join with other tables.

with movie_genre as
select '10' as "id", 'action' as "genre" from dual
union select '20' as "id", 'horror' as "genre" from dual
union select '30' as "id", 'comedy' as "genre" from dual
union select '40' as "id", 'adventure' as "genre" from dual
union select '50' as "id", 'drama' as "genre" from dual
union select '60' as "id", 'mystery' as "genre" from dual
union select '70' as "id", 'musical' as "genre" from dual
select * from movie_genre

So that I get the result -

id  genre
10  action
20  horror
30  comedy
40  adventure
50  drama
60  mystery
70  musical

My question is, is there any better way to do this? Any suggestion will be a life saver.

An example -

Lets say we have a table -

create table movies (
id number,
name varchar2(50),
genre_id number

insert into movies values (1, 'the hulk', 10);
insert into movies values (2, 'dumb and dumber', 30);
insert into movies values (3, 'frozen', 70);

And we need a result like this -

name                genre        is_in_genre
the hulk            action       yes
the hulk            horror       no
the hulk            comedy       no
the hulk            adventure    no
the hulk            drama        no
the hulk            mystery      no
the hulk            musical      no
dumb and dumber     action       no
dumb and dumber     horror       no
dumb and dumber     comedy       yes
dumb and dumber     adventure    no
dumb and dumber     drama        no
dumb and dumber     mystery      no
dumb and dumber     musical      no
frozen              action       no
frozen              horror       no
frozen              comedy       no
frozen              adventure    no
frozen              drama        no
frozen              mystery      no
frozen              musical      yes

Here, we DO NOT have any movie_genre table.

like image 601
Samiul Al Hossaini Avatar asked Mar 28 '15 16:03

Samiul Al Hossaini

People also ask

Can we create a temp table in Oracle?

To create a temporary table, you must have the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES privilege. After a session has created a temporary table, the server performs no further privilege checks on the table. The creating session can perform any operation on the table, such as DROP TABLE , INSERT , UPDATE , or SELECT .

How do you create a temporary table in SQL?

To create a Global Temporary Table, add the “##” symbol before the table name. Global Temporary Tables are visible to all connections and Dropped when the last connection referencing the table is closed. Global Table Name must have an Unique Table Name.

What is the difference between temporary table and global temporary table in Oracle?

In Oracle there isn't any difference. When you create a temporary table in an Oracle database, it is automatically global, and you are required to include the "Global" key word. The SQL standard, which defines how the term "GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE" is interpreted, allows for either a LOCAL or GLOBAL scope.

How do temporary tables work in Oracle?

Data in temporary tables is stored in temp segments in the temp tablespace. Data in temporary tables is automatically deleted at the end of the database session, even if it ends abnormally. Indexes can be created on temporary tables.

2 Answers

You can pass the genre as string in the order you want and use regular expression to generate the movie_genre table.The sql fiddle here

with movie_genre as
 select level * 10 as id, regexp_substr(genre,'[^,]+',1,level) as genre
  select ('action,horror,comedy,adventure,drama,mystery,musical') 
  as genre from dual
  connect by level <=REGEXP_COUNT(genre,'[^,]+')
 select * from movie_genre;
like image 176
psaraj12 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09


If you need to get the full list, you want a cross join, with some additional logic:

with movie_genre as (
      select '10' as "id", 'action' as "genre" from dual union all
      select '20' as "id", 'horror' as "genre" from dual union all
      select '30' as "id", 'comedy' as "genre" from dual union all
      select '40' as "id", 'adventure' as "genre" from dual union all
      select '50' as "id", 'drama' as "genre" from dual union all
      select '60' as "id", 'mystery' as "genre" from dual union all
      select '70' as "id", 'musical' as "genre" from dual
select m.name, mg.genre,
       (case when m.genre_id = mg.id then 'yes' else 'no' end) as IsInGenre
from movies m cross join
     movie_genres mg;
like image 44
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Gordon Linoff