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Bash script & PostgreSQL: How to access column values returned from SELECT statement

I have a database in PostgreSQL called customers, customers has a table called CustomerInfo. CustomerInfo contains 3 columns ID, Name and address. I would like to write a bash script to get the information from the CustomerInfo table but i am not sure how to access the individual rows once i have the results of the query. Here is the script i have written:


results=`psql -d customers -c "select * from CustomerInfo where name = 'Dave'"`

echo $results['name']

The query runs correctly and returns the correct results but the echo command will just print everything in results. I know this is not the correct way of doing this, does anyone know of a way to get the query results as an array, or would i just have to write my own function for parsing the results?


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Robbie Torrens Avatar asked Dec 02 '13 12:12

Robbie Torrens

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1 Answers

You can store your results into an array and loop through it using a while loop.

psql -d customers -c "select * from CustomerInfo where name = 'Dave'"
| while read -a Record ; do
    # ${Record[0]} is your ID field
    # ${Record[1]} is your Name field
    # ${Record[2]} is your address field
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bckim Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
