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New posts in battery

Beacon Ranging vs GPS tracking battery usage

How to retrieve dual batteries status?

How do I convert battery voltage into battery percentage on a 4.15V Li-Ion Battery in an Arduino IDE? (I am making some kind of LED Battery Indicator)

Is location provider really a battery drain?

android location battery

Android - Drain battery quickly on purpose

android battery

Android : Is there anyway to get battery capacity of a device in mah?

android battery

What is the best way to get battery level on Android without permanently monitoring it? [duplicate]

android battery

How to handle iPhone 'Low Battery' pop up during a game

Detailed battery usage - iOS

Determine specific charger input

iOS - Programatically get battery usages of an application

ios battery consumption

Stopping and starting a Service based on application state

android service battery

Battery broadcast receiver declared in manifest file does not work?

Pubnub push notifications & battery life on Android

Retrieve the computer's charging status & current battery level

android open battery settings programically

How to remove the battery icon in android status bar?

android battery

context.registerReceiver returns null intent when trying to check if power source is connected

Obtaining usb cable plugged IN/OUT event using EXTRA_PLUGGED does not work