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Pythonic way to send contents of a file to a pipe and count # lines in a single step

python bash shell awk bigdata

Shell Script "|| { }" Readable Alternative

bash syntax shell

How can I properly escape this regex in bash?

regex bash grep escaping quoting

$PATH extended at .bashrc not available within git hook script

git bash

Run a Bash Script automatically upon login

bash unix centos

bash array leave elements containing string

how to build a delayed / buffered pipe? [closed]

linux bash pipe

Shell script to traverse directories


Redirect output of command with heredoc

bash heredoc zenity

xargs respect wildcards in searches

bash xargs

Write to stdout instead of file


why my trap doesn't work when the signal set as "DEBUG" fake signal?

Java: Commandline parameter to release unused memory

modify value's in CSV with bash-script

bash csv sh bc

Sorting date field in unix

bash shell unix sorting

what's this bash redirection operator? "<<!"


use of a bash command to prefix a header to stdout?

bash shell unix

What's does a bash function return when there is no “return” statement?

bash shell return-value

Is it possible to automate ssh login WITH passwd (not passphraseless ssh)

bash ssh passwords

Bash for loop syntax error with pipe
