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Ionic tabs Badge

Clear Application's badge Number

Android - how to add a badge count to an application icon? [duplicate]

android notifications badge

Why do sites like stackoverflow with badges use some type of delayed job to determine when to award a new badge?

delayed-job badge

How can I remove the badge number if I click on close button in push notification?

How do I add my Stack Overflow reputation as a live badge on GitHub?

Apple push notification not changing icon badge automatically

Cut rounded image with the face from CIDetector and CIFaceFeature

How to implement a dock icon notification indicator with Electron in OS X?

macos badge electron

Is there a way to add badge notifications using progressive web apps (PWA)?

How to add badges on Toolbar MenuItem Icons

Why is the bootstrap badge always the default color?

Application icon badge number not increasing : Xcode

How to add small red dot in UITabBarItem

ios swift uitabbaritem badge

Using Gitlab Variables in Gitlab README.md for SonarQube Badges

How to show notification count on app icon like Facebook?

Swift add badge to navigation barButtonItem and UIButton

How do I draw a badge on my Dock icon using Cocoa?

Official badge for GitHub actions

github badge github-actions

How to add Badges on UIBarbutton item?