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New posts in background-position

Pre-define CSS background image center center position and cover background size

CSS make background-image use font character

Why does CSS3 right aligned background image appear in the wrong place?

IE6 background-position(?) issue

CSS3 - Fade between 'background-position' of a sprite image

CSS negative right background position

Changing only y pos of background image via Jquery

CSS: Difficulty with background-position different corner offsets

css background-position

background gradient with solid color

CSS Put image at top of page

jquery background change one axis only

Can I position my CSS background to "bottom minus x pixels"?

How do I change a background position with css3 animation?

Background center with transform 3D and filter blur on Firefox

CSS background-position

How does CSS computation for background percentages work? [duplicate]

How to make background position fixed and centered?

jquery animate background-position firefox

SVG sprite icon background position appears off in newer version of Chrome

CSS sprite image + background-repeat a part of it