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New posts in jquery-hover

Add class on hover for children in jQuery?

jquery css hover jquery-hover

How can I keep my sub-menu open in jQuery hover menu?

JavaScript .replace Function in jQuery Code not Giving Expected Results

How to show a simple textbox when I hover over an icon using jquery

jQuery animation within hover() only fires on second time

Changing only y pos of background image via Jquery

:hover produces errors. How can I fix this?

Can I delay The mouse-out function when using Jquery .hover()?

jquery jquery-hover

Show/Hide Button in Table Row during mouseover

Modifying An Element Already Activated By Another Selector

jquery css jquery-hover

jQuery hover dependent on two elements

jquery jquery-hover

Jquery on hover and out

jQuery .is(":hover") In IE8

jquery preventing hover function on touch

jquery click jquery-hover

Change element ID, but jQuery still fires event calling old ID. Why does this work?

jquery jquery-hover

How to: Add/Remove Class on mouseOver/mouseOut - JQuery .hover?