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New posts in awk

How does this awk command work?


Match words in word-list and count occurrences

bash list sed awk grep

Modified copies of line sed / awk

bash sed awk

How to filter on column value in bash

bash awk filter grep

awk solution for pattern matching and allowing one ambiguity/mismatch

regex awk grep

Split text by columns in PowerShell

regex powershell select awk

Using Regex to replace or append line in file | Linux Shell script

regex linux shell awk sed

Is preprocessing file with awk needed or it can be done directly in R?

r csv awk

How to delete the rows whose column 2 and column 3 matches with some previous using awk?

shell awk

Why is my awk sub command failing?

shell unix awk

replacing brackets

regex vim awk sed

Implementing `sumproduct` in UNIX shell

bash shell unix awk

Appending the datetime to the end of every line in a 600 million row file

awk sed bigdata

Replace multiple occurrences between two strings

regex bash perl awk sed

awk / sed: replace all fields if any field matches a pattern

unix awk sed replace

Concatenate two columns of a text file

text awk gawk

How to reverse everything after the second line with AWK

bash awk

Using FILENAME in awk script

linux bash shell unix awk

linux csv file concatenate columns into one column

awk sed command-line cut

Greater than float with awk

bash macos awk